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IMPACT over the Years

Through our collaborations with local organizations and teachers, we customize our curriculum, workshops, and activities to meet their needs. Our partnerships with mothers empower them to better support their daughters, especially young women, by creating more trusting and respectful environments.

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                                           Where We Worked

Reached over 5000 girls

Presented over 20 Church Youth Workshops

Presented over 400 Daughter


Served over 200 Homeless meals

Presented over 40 Teacher Professional Development Sessions 

Purchased Over 150 school uniforms 

Presented over 150 Mother Workshops

Gave over 300 winter warm coverings to the homeless

Hosted over 20 Mommy and Me seminars 

Donated over 4000 Social and Emotional items to educators

Donated over 3000 clothing items to the Orphanage

Gave over 100 COVID CARE Kits to the community

Hosted over 15 Virtual Breast Cancer Awareness Seminars 

Purchased over 40 prom dresses

Supported over 75 women to get a mammogram 

Donated over $1000 for fresh water wells to Haiti

Donated over 100 books to schools in Haiti

Donated over 200 Mother's Day t-shirt to the community mothers 

Donated over 100 hair care kits to girl in Haiti 

Sponsored over 40 under privileged   senior girls to  prom

Donated over 100 hygiene kits to girls in Peru

Donated over 3000 school supply items to marginalized communities

Hosted over 5 Mother's Day events

Partnered with over 25 schools

Donated over 150 Breast Cancer Care Kits

Mentored over 50 mother-daughter dyads 

Cleaned under served parks for Earth Day 

Sponsored over 40 under privileged   senior girls to  prom

Participated in over 10 community events

Donated over 3000 school supply items to marginalized communities

Hosted over 20 summer leadership workshops

Partnered with over 25 schools